Pub Hub eCR/ Syndromic Surveillance

Syndromic Surveillance & Electronic Case Reporting

Revolutionizing Public Health Through Digital Connectivity

Enhance your public health response with our advanced eCR/Syndromic Surveillance solution, designed to provide timely and accurate health data for improved decision-making and outbreak management.

Understanding eCR Compliance

What is eCR?

Electronic Case Reporting is the automated process of exchanging case reporting data in real-time between your healthcare entity and state agencies for disease monitoring and outbreak response.

Who is required to participate in eCR?

eCR mandates that healthcare providers and laboratories report certain conditions to public health authorities. These conditions can include infectious diseases, environmental exposures, and other conditions of public health concern.

Where does Pub Hub come in?

Pub Hub enhances public health initiatives by offering seamless syndromic surveillance and electronic case reporting services. Our platform ensures comprehensive connectivity to state syndromic surveillance registries and facilitates the submission of electronic case reports, streamlining public health data management.

Advanced Public Health Surveillance

Real-Time Insights and Automated Reporting

Boost public health efforts with our Syndromic Surveillance and Electronic Case Reporting solutions. Streamline data for quick outbreak detection and tracking. Automated submissions ensure fast, precise sharing, enhancing responses and community safety. Experience efficient surveillance with tools designed for health professionals.

Statewide Syndromic Surveillance Connectivity
Full integration with all state syndromic surveillance registries for comprehensive data coverage.
Effortless Electronic Case Reporting
Automated submission of case reports to relevant public health authorities.
Real-Time Data Analysis
Immediate access to syndromic surveillance data for timely public health responses.
Secure Data Exchange
Ensures the confidentiality and integrity of sensitive health information during transmission.

Advanced Security

Modern healthcare security employs a multi-layered strategy with advanced technology to safeguard sensitive information against unauthorized access and cyber threats. Discover how Iron Bridge is at the forefront of these security practices.

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